Create Your Own Treatment Protocol
in Super Easy Three Steps
Step 1: Tell Us Your Chief Complaints!
Before starting any interventions, we need to know if you plan to become pregnant in the next 3–6 months. Then, we will set your treatment in three different dimensions based on the objectives:

To relieve cramps (menstrual pain)
To sleep well|To be happy at work |To have a happy family life

Side Effects
Symptom-Controlling Drugs4th Generation ProgesteroneBirth-control PillsIUDGnRH AgonistsAndrogen (Androgen-like)Conservative SurgeryRadical Surgery
NaproxenDienogestDianeMirenaLeuprolideGestrinoneAdenomyomectomy, Nerve Block, etc.Hysterectomy
Fast-actingFast-actingSeveral daysSeveral days3 weeks2 weeksFast-actingFast-acting
PotentExtremely PotentExtremely PotentExtremely PotentExtremely PotentExtremely PotentPotentExtremely Potent
MinorModerateModerateModerateModerateModerate to SevereModerate to SevereModerate to Severe
Oral Intake, Daily, During PeriodOral Intake, DailyOral Intake, DailyOne device for 5 yearsInjection/month, total of3-6 injectionsOral Intake, DailyMinimally invasive surgery or conventional surgeryMinimally invasive surgery or conventional surgery
Covered by Health InsuranceCovered by Health InsuranceCovered by Health InsuranceNT$6,000 and more per injectionNT$6,000 and more per injectionCovered by Health InsuranceUsually NT$10K and moreUsually NT$10K and more

To stop abnormal bleeding
To have a quality life|To increase comfort level|To move freely

Side Effects
Symptom-Controlling Drugs4th Generation ProgesteroneBirth-control PillsIUDGnRH AgonistsAndrogen (Androgen-like)Conservative SurgeryRadical Surgery
Fast-acting6-9 months and longerSeveral days6-9 months and longer3 weeks2 weeksFast-actingFast-acting
PotentPotentExtremely PotentExtremely PotentExtremely PotentPotentPotentExtremely Potent
MinorModerateModerateModerateModerateModerate to SevereModerate to SevereModerate to Severe
Oral Intake, Daily, During PeriodOral Intake, DailyOral Intake, DailyOne device for 5 yearsInjection/month, total of3-6 injectionsOral Intake, DailyMinimally invasive surgery or conventional surgeryMinimally invasive surgery or conventional surgery
Covered by Health InsuranceCovered by Health InsuranceCovered by Health InsuranceCovered by Health Insurance if Hb<10NT$6,000 and more per injectionCovered by Health InsuranceUsually NT$10K and moreUsually NT$10K and more

To remove chocolate cysts
To prevent recurrence|To reduce possibility of surgery|To lower cancer risks

Side Effects
Symptom-Controlling Drugs4th Generation ProgesteroneBirth-control PillsIUDGnRH AgonistsAndrogen (Androgen-like)Conservative SurgeryRadical Surgery
-DienogestDiane-LeuprolideGestrinoneCystectomyOophorectomy and Salpingectomy
-Fast-actingFast-acting-3 weeks2 weeksFast-actingFast-acting
-Extremely PotentPotent-Extremely PotentExtremely PotentExtremely PotentExtremely Potent
-ModerateModerate-ModerateModerate to SevereModerate to SevereModerate to Severe
-Oral Intake, DailyOral Intake, Daily-Injection/month, total of3-6 injectionsOral Intake, DailyMinimally invasive surgery or conventional surgeryMinimally invasive surgery or conventional surgery
-Covered by Health InsuranceCovered by Health Insurance-NT$6,000 and more per injectionCovered by Health InsuranceUsually NT$10K and moreUsually NT$10K and more

To prepare for pregnancy
To improve ovary function|To increase fertility|To set a personal pregnancy plan

For Those Who Plan to Become Pregnant in the Next 3–6 Months
Compared with the general population, the success rate of natural conception in females with endometriosis decreases based on the severity of endometriosis. Those with concurrent infertility causes (e.g. bilateral tubal occlusion) may have an even lower success rate of natural conception. However, as the development of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is quite advanced in modern days, those who plan to become pregnant could consult with doctors from the Reproductive Department to schedule a pre-pregnancy physical exam (e.g. hysterosalpingogram (HSG), semen analysis) and establish the most optimal intervention strategy. Below are some brief self-assessment items:
By the way, for those who do not plan to become pregnant soon
As endometriosis itself and oophorectomy may reduce the amount of oocyte depository, after the diagnosis of endometriosis but prior to oophorectomy, if the clients do not plan to become pregnant in the near future, they can discuss with the doctors from the Reproductive Department about fertility preservation or oocyte cryopreservation.

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